Sunday, April 25, 2010

The British Televised Debate

This was the first time I had ever really seen anything about foreign elections. Even being a half hour from Canada it had never really interested me.

This debate was interesting on a number of levels. First of all, it was interesting seeing a multi party system in action. Second of all, it was shocking to see a moderate conservative speak as they are being ousted in the US. Third of all, I had no idea what the difference between a Labour Party member and a Liberal Democrat were. Google took care of that.

Personally, just from watching the debate, I am a fan of Nick Clegg. While I am very ignorant on his history along with the other candidate's history, he spoke about many issues that were important to me and didn't seem like a "wing nut" as Dr. McGuire, one of my politics professors describes far left or right people.

The main reason for writing this post is the proposal offered by Nick Clegg. It was very interesting to me as I am unaware of any policy similar to this. It entails that the first 10 thousand pounds of every citizen would be tax exempt. This would obviously benefit the lower income families, being a progressive law as lower income families would see a higher percentage of tax dollars saved. I wonder what people in the US would think of this. It seems very fair to me, but it would depend on whether taxes for any dollars over the 10k limit would be raised. It would interest me to look deeper into this issue and see if it would actually work.

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